First Resin Creative Workshop
Whether you need some time out to do something for yourself or make a beautiful unique present, we promise you a day of fun & creativity. We will teach you in a hands on experience, the techniques of working with 3d RESINS. With special guest Lola March Sandy, who will take you on a gentle guided meditation journey. You will experience deep relaxation, clarity of mind a rejuvenated body.
Saturday 21st March 2020
11.30am – 3.30pm
Venue: Brighton Design Studio – 239 Bay St, Brighton
3D Art Resin Workshop
If you have been thinking about joining one of our tactile resin classes, join us on for Saturday 23rd May for a unforgettable day of fun, creativity and a surprise well being guest to spoil you.
Give yourself permission to stop and learn something new and we will help you unleash the inner creative you.
Saturday 23 May 2020
11.30am – 3.30pm
Early bird 20% off till 9th May with code
Early bird
Venue: 239 Bay St Brighton
3D Art Resin Workshop
If you have been thinking about joining one of our tactile resin classes, join us on for Saturday 25rd Julyt for a unforgettable day of fun, creativity and a surprise well being guest to spoil you.
Give yourself permission to stop and learn something new and we will help you unleash the inner creative you.
Saturday 25 July 2020
11.30am – 3.30pm
Early bird 20% off till 11th July with code
Early bird
Venue: 239 Bay St Brighton
3D Art Resin Workshop
If you have been thinking about joining one of our tactile resin classes, join us on for Saturday 5th September for a unforgettable day of fun, creativity and a surprise well being guest to spoil you.
Give yourself permission to stop and learn something new and we will help you unleash the inner creative you.
Saturday 5 Sept 2020
11.30am – 3.30pm
Early bird 20% off till 22nd Sept with code
Early bird
Venue: 239 Bay St Brighton
3D Art Resin Workshop
If you have been thinking about joining one of our tactile resin classes, join us on for Saturday 24th October for a unforgettable day of fun, creativity and a surprise well being guest to spoil you.
Give yourself permission to stop and learn something new and we will help you unleash the inner creative you.
Saturday 24 Oct 2020
11.30am – 3.30pm
Early bird 20% off till 10th Oct with code
Early bird
Venue: 239 Bay St Brighton
Terms & Conditions
We provide many design sizes for you to work with in our workshops. If you wish to choose a larger sized design, we are able to accommodate this, however additional fees apply to upgrade, commencing from just $20. This fee is to cover the extra resin and catalyst that is required for the larger design.
Pay as you go options available:
Shadow boxes available to present your art $29
Canvas available $15